Welcome to hall of heroes
Welcome to the Hall of Heroes, All the people that will be listed here have shown a great sense of commitment and real growth but above all, they have shown a relentless loyalty towards their teams during the great and the bad times contributing everything they can to help the team and keeping our guild going forward despite all the hardships, therefore Nephilims will honor them by keeping their memory noted down here for everyone to see and recognize.
Some players will have a personality trait section for humor purpose which may or may not reflect who they really are, therefore we leave it up to you to confirm that yourself by reaching out to these Legends.
Name: Hayoui
Main Class: Priest
Date Joined: 31 January 2021
Facts: Hayoui Joined team fire initially as a player who was somewhat a new priest player, he had a slow start and faced some challenges until he had a massive turn of performance around middle February showing remarkable signs of adapting to the priest class. Later on he mastered the spirit shell ramp like his life depended on it.
Notes: Hayoui is very helpful and friendly attitude towards all his guild mates and always offers help where needed. Today he has finally demonstrated a true a example of a player who has grown to show their skill potential comparing to the point from where he started.
Personality traits: Brushes teeth in excess of 10 times each day...
Name: Flegz
Main Class: Warlock
Date Joined: 3 July 2021
Facts: Flegz joined Team Frost at the beginning of Sanctum of Domination. With his skill, serious attitude and knowledge of all warlock specs, Flegz demonstrated to be a solid core member of the team. He dedicate all his efforts to mythic progression. His contribution to our guild will never be forgotten.
Notes: Military attitude, zero complaints, the true stoicism of a soldier ready to go through the worst in order to kill a boss.
Personality traits: The only player to scream in chat “HELP MEEEE” when hp drops low during a fight.
Name: Kerba
Main Class: Priest
Facts: Kerba underwent a true hardcore trial by joining Team Frost during SLG progression and gave his best to kill the boss. He became later on an established core members of the team during Sanctum of Domination. Solid performed, problem-solving attitude, he demonstrated to be a loyal and reliable player. Whatever path he will follow, his ex-teammates will always be thankful to him.
Notes: Engulfed in a mysterious silence, he is able to surprise everyone with new ideas and solutions.
Personality traits: Always looking for a way to get more mana, whether it's an innervate or blackmailing Blizzard developers.
Name: Jomoja
Main Class: Druid
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: One of the most experienced tanks, the combination of his skill, commitments and humble attitude has made him favorite for many.
Notes: Jomoja is very quite and does not speak much, however his skills speaks louder.
Personality traits: Always assumes a cuddly green bear shape, spends 10% of his day raiding, 10% eating berries and 80% hibernating, you may rarely catch him climbing trees in search of honeycombs.
Name: Qawas
Main Class: Hunter
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: One of most experienced hunters, very dedicated and loyal to his team.
Notes: One of the few remaining members of the first generation of team frost.
Personality traits: Talks to plants walls and furniture sometimes.
Name: Dathour
Main Class: Hunter
Date Joined: 7 January 2021
Facts: Very dedicated and loyal to his team, regardless of whether he gets benched or not,he is always there aiming to help in anyway to keep his team going forward, even if it means he would get benched at certain fights due to team comp.
Notes: Jomoja is very quite and does not speak much, however his skills speaks louder.
Personality traits: Continuously wears shorts, even in winter.
Name: Razbivam
Main Class: Warrior
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: Razbivam has an amazing charisma of leadership this has shown clearly when he took over the raid leading for team fire at the start of the expansion, he knows how to keep the team's moral going strong even in the hardest times.
Notes: Raz has also contributed largely to the PVP scene in Nephilims being one of the main drivers for the guild's ranking in PVP on Stormscale.
Personality traits: His first love was with a Bloodelf.
Name: Ancient
Main Class: Warrior
Date Joined: 16 March 2021
Facts: Aside from his commitment and loyalty towards his team, Ancient has shown high skills playing multiple classes on top player level.
Notes: Has rerolled class for the sake of his team and has shown great skill and progress with any character that he plays.
Personality traits: Never ties his shoes.
Name: Qaloo
Main Class: Druid
Date Joined: 19 February 2021
Facts: Qaloo has been through a transitional journey on team earth from being a casual player to being one of the highly skilled players with strong commitment towards his team.
Notes: One of the few remaining members of the first generation of team Earth.
Personality traits: Has a keyboard with keys that can break the speed of sound barrier.
Name: Primeolek
Main Class: Hunter
Date Joined: 11 December 2020
Facts: Despite his young age, he has rapidly grown as a player and shown real signs of being able to take responsibility and demonstrate high skills as player.
Notes: One of the few remaining members of the first generation of team Earth.
Personality traits: Falls asleep easily and anywhere.
Name: Overkofe
Main Class: Paladin
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: Arguably one of the top skilled holy paladins in Nephilims, extremely loyal and helpful and always goes after challenges.
Notes: If you think there is something rare that no one has, think again, because Probably Overkofe has it (including AH mount). Up until recently, no one has heard Overkofe over voice chat, the subject became a controversy that Lucifire was betting that Overkofe is a 70 years old Granma undercover.
Personality traits: Abnormally tall.
Name: Frubby
Main Class: Shaman
Date Joined: 15 December 2020
Facts: One of the very first players of Team Fire, to date he is still one of the strongest assets to team Fire.
Notes: Has great restaurant and will always amaze you with a great collection of Tauren ale drinks in the background whenever you talk to him on video calls.
Personality traits: Can't Count 1-100.
Name: Nomatters
Main Class: Shaman
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: Great player with high sense of commitment towards his team, was a part of the first generation of team fire.
Notes: Wraps his keyboard in so much wrappings to ensure protection to the point that you would mistaken it for something else.
Personality traits: Always acts like suspicious.
Name: Lustylady
Main Class: Death Knight
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: Lusty joined Team Frost back during the beginning as a Tank, only to show real flexibility to help his team's need by switching to DPS, to date he is a great addition to any team and a true example for a loyal player with dedication.
Notes: Lusty and Jomoja formed a powerful tanking team back at the first generation of team frost and set the high standard example of tanking team work for everyone, currently he plays dps and plays casually.
Personality traits: Likes to gamble, a lot, even if he will sell his own underwear to continue gambling.
Name: Supermadoo
Main Class: Druid
Date Joined: 22 December 2020
Facts: Madoo joined Team Frost back during the beginning as a Boomkin, getting continues feedback to improve until he has become one of the best Boomkins within Nephilims demonstrating a true example of development and commitment, he later moved to Team Fire for re-structural purposes between the teams, he is also a very close friend of of Buggs and both of them joined Nephilims around the same time.
Notes: Supermadoo has demonstrated noticeable performance after each feedback he gets, and has shown a great example for a player who takes feedback positively and works on it, today he provides mentorship for other members and helps them out.
Personality traits: Eats nothing but beans...
Name: Observe
Main Class: Monk
Date Joined: 31 January 2021
Facts: Observe joined Team Earth back during the beginning as a Hunter, progressing rapidly to become one of the critical key role players that were a part of the cutting edge progress in Team Nephilims towards the end of 9.0.5 patch, today he is a part of team fire and mains a monk.
Notes: Notes: All his characters are either named, Look, Observe, Glance, or anything sight related from the "Looks" of it.
Personality traits: Always wearing glasses without their need, additionally, he is colorblind.
Name: Caulimoon
Main Class: Mage
Date Joined: 14 January 2021
Facts: Caulimoon joined Team Fire back during the beginning as a Fire mage, he mainly started playing Mage during the end of BFA, and he was one of the players that demonstrated massive shift in their skill-set when team fire had faced challenges back at Feb 2021 during progress, initially he was a part of the players that were assumed to be benched, only to prove later that he would become one of the top mages that would become a part of Team Nephilims during the cutting edge encounter.
Notes: Great and lively personality, likes to engage and talk to everyone, he has gained popularity for falling asleep while being online on discord with others, unlike anyone, he was the only one to be granted the unique "Caulimoon's Bedroom" voice channel to ensure he sleeps somewhere quite...
Personality traits: Loves Princess Elsa and only sleeps to Frozen songs.
Name: Hayoui
Main Class: Priest
Date Joined: 31 January 2021
Facts: Hayoui Joined team fire initially as a player who was somewhat a new priest player, he had a slow start and faced some challenges until he had a massive turn of performance around middle February showing remarkable signs of adapting to the priest class. Later on he mastered the spirit shell ramp like his life depended on it.
Notes: Hayoui is very helpful and friendly attitude towards all his guild mates and always offers help where needed. Today he has finally demonstrated a true a example of a player who has grown to show their skill potential comparing to the point from where he started.
Personality traits: Brushes teeth in excess of 10 times each day...
Name: Flegz
Main Class: Warlock
Date Joined: 3 July 2021
Facts: Flegz joined Team Frost at the beginning of Sanctum of Domination. With his skill, serious attitude and knowledge of all warlock specs, Flegz demonstrated to be a solid core member of the team. He dedicate all his efforts to mythic progression. His contribution to our guild will never be forgotten.
Notes: Military attitude, zero complaints, the true stoicism of a soldier ready to go through the worst in order to kill a boss.
Personality traits: The only player to scream in chat “HELP MEEEE” when hp drops low during a fight.
Name: Kerba
Main Class: Priest
Facts: Kerba underwent a true hardcore trial by joining Team Frost during SLG progression and gave his best to kill the boss. He became later on an established core members of the team during Sanctum of Domination. Solid performed, problem-solving attitude, he demonstrated to be a loyal and reliable player. Whatever path he will follow, his ex-teammates will always be thankful to him.
Notes: Engulfed in a mysterious silence, he is able to surprise everyone with new ideas and solutions.
Personality traits: Always looking for a way to get more mana, whether it's an innervate or blackmailing Blizzard developers.
Name: Jomoja
Main Class: Druid
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: One of the most experienced tanks, the combination of his skill, commitments and humble attitude has made him favorite for many.
Notes: Jomoja is very quite and does not speak much, however his skills speaks louder.
Personality traits: Always assumes a cuddly green bear shape, spends 10% of his day raiding, 10% eating berries and 80% hibernating, you may rarely catch him climbing trees in search of honeycombs.
Name: Qawas
Main Class: Hunter
Date Joined: 17 December 2020
Facts: One of most experienced hunters, very dedicated and loyal to his team.
Notes: One of the few remaining members of the first generation of team frost.
Personality traits: Talks to plants walls and furniture sometimes.
Name: Dathour
Main Class: Hunter
Date Joined: 7 January 2021
Facts: Very dedicated and loyal to his team, regardless of whether he gets benched or not,he is always there aiming to help in anyway to keep his team going forward, even if it means he would get benched at certain fights due to team comp.
Notes: Jomoja is very quite and does not speak much, however his skills speaks louder.
Personality traits: Continuously wears shorts, even in winter.